
About Blackboard

Supported Browsers

Internet Explorer is not supported by Blackboard.  Please use either Chrome or Firefox browsers, as these are supported by Blackboard.


Blackboard is an Internet application used by many instructors to put course materials online. Typically, your instructor will let you know if you need to use Blackboard. For help with Blackboard, please contact your instructor or contact the Student Blackboard Help line at 860.768.4636. Student instructions for using Blackboard may be found at: Student Support

Students are automatically enrolled into their Blackboard courses based on their registration information. You will be able to access your courses only after the instructor has made it available for you to view. If the professor does not use Blackboard, you will not see it. If you can't see a course, please contact the professor before calling the help desk.

Log into Blackboard home

Username: E-mail username (without the

Password: E-mail password


Faculty instruction and support for Blackboard is provided by the Faculty Center for Learning Development (FCLD) located in Mortensen Library. A Blackboard drop-in is held each Tuesday, 12:15 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. for both new and experienced users, or by appointment. For more information, please contact

Common Questions

My username and password aren’t working. What should I do?

Make sure that you aren’t using your entire email address as the username. Only enter the first part of your email address (without the Your password is identical to your University email password. Any password reset will require that you reset your email password. There is no separate blackboard credential anymore.

How do I access my Blackboard courses?

Go to Blackboard home, and log in with your username and password. The first thing you see when you log in is your Blackboard Home Page. This includes announcements and links to your Blackboard Courses, as well as some useful tools like a Calendar, Tasks, and other Blackboard features. Your Blackboard courses will appear in a list to right under a heading titled “My Courses.” To enter a class, click the name of the course.

I logged into Blackboard, but I don’t see my courses anywhere!

Students will be automatically enrolled into Blackboard courses when they register for courses at the University of Hartford. If you do not see any of your courses listed under the “My Courses” heading, it may be that your instructors are not using Blackboard this semester, or have not yet made the course available to students. Generally, instructors will tell you on the first day of class if they plan to use Blackboard in a course. Please contact the professor first to see if the course is available.

What if I have trouble using Blackboard?

Ask your instructor for assistance if you are having trouble using the tools and features of Blackboard. If you continue to have trouble, or if he or she is not able to answer your questions, contact Student Support Blackboard Help line at 860.768.4636.

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